Our Church is actively looking for qualified elders! Here is the criteria taken from the Church Manual pages 73-77
Elders to be assistants to the pastor— “the pastor should be considered the ranking officer and the local elders as assistants. Since their work is closely related, they should work together harmoniously."
Elder’s duties— “In counsel with the pastor, the elders should visit members, minister to the sick, foster prayer ministries, arrange or lead out in anointing services and child dedications, encourage the disheartened, and assist in other pastoral responsibilities. As undershepherds, elders should exercise constant vigilance over the flock.”
Conducting Church Services— “Under the pastor, or in the absence of the pastor, an elder is responsible for the services of the church and must either conduct them or arrange for someone to do so.”
Assist with Communion services— “Communion services must always be conducted by an ordained/commissioned pastor or local elder.”
Be an example of tithing— “Elders can foster tithing by public presentation of the scriptural privilege and responsibility of stewardship and by personal labor with members in a tactful and helpful manner.”
Be a spiritual leader who assists other church ministries— “Under and in cooperation with the pastor, elders are spiritual leaders of the church and are responsible for fostering all departments and activities of the work.”