Have you already had a committee meeting with your committee to discuss the speaker? Yes No What is the name and location of the church that the presenter is currently a member? What is the title of the proposed presentation to be made, and what will it be about? How long will the proposed presentation take? (how long is each talk, how many talks will be given, and when will they be given? during sabbath school? divine service? etc.) Does the proposed speaker have a website or other online platform where a sample of their material can be viewed by the board? Will the proposed speaker require any AV or other special assistance for their presentations? The Texas Conference requires the following for Independent Ministries: Signed Contract, Background Check, Proof of Professional Liability Insurance, W-9, a Church Vote, & a maximum payment of $500. Is the individual willing to meet these requirements? Yes, I already let them know about it. No, they are not able to comply with these requirements How much will the total cost be for the speaker to come and do their presentation? Please provide and itemized list of costs i.e. plane tickets, rental car, housing, food, speaking fee, etc. Submit Related Information Forms: Event Registration Form Reimbursement Form Submit a Church Announcement